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Lavender Oil Organic 10ml/30ml/50ml/1000ml

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The quality of our certified organic lavender oil from our own cultivation is regularly tested by state laboratories and meets the highest criteria. From the very beginning, it was our aim to also achieve drug quality. To our great delight, we succeeded.

Lavender, one of our favorite garden plants, belongs to the mint family. The bushy, colour-intensive lavender plants not only look beautiful, but also unfold their unmistakable, beguiling aroma during the flowering period, which takes us straight to a summery lavender field somewhere in the south. Its flowers shine in deep violet. Pink and white varieties are also in increasing demand. The scent of lavender exerts a magical attraction on bees. The robust lavender also convinces with its resistance to diseases, a property that even benefits neighboring plants in plant communities.

Lavender has been one of the most important and valuable medicinal and aromatic plants for thousands of years, because it has a broad spectrum effect like very few other medicinal herbs. It has been thoroughly researched in many scientific studies. To date, over 2000 different ingredients have been identified, of which 300 to 400 have been recognized as relevant to health. It is suitable for internal and external treatment.

Other names: dizziness, mother of God flower, brain herb.

Depending on the variety, the essential oil of lavender exudes a sweet-balsamic aroma with mild, lovely, floral facets. But you could also describe it as herbaceous, tart and slightly woody. It is not uncommon for it to be fresh and spicy to hot. If you give it time to unfold on the skin, a very warm component unexpectedly develops. This wide spread indicates a large, deep scent and explains both the lavender plant's pre-eminence as a "great healer" and "sedative" and its use in religious ceremonies.

The following properties form the basis for the diverse areas of application: centrally dampening, calming and mood-enhancing. Flatulence, neuroprotective, antispasmodic, germicidal.

Lavender oil soothes and heals the skin from insect bites, burns, injuries, inflammation, neurodermatitis and acne. It expels parasites such as skin fungus, athlete's foot and nail fungus. Its use against moths, lice and mites is well known and common. Internally, it supports the treatment of Candida (yeast fungus). It is effective for headaches and migraines. Massages and liniments relieve gout, rheumatism, neuralgia and aching limbs. Lavender relieves both muscle tension and coughing spasms. Because of its antimicrobial effect, it can also help with respiratory diseases and bronchitis. It has a balancing and relaxing effect on blood pressure.

The lavender scent (like all other scents) works not only on a chemical but also on an energetic level. This can be explained as follows: the perception of smell is located in the nasal cavity above the root of the nose. From there there is a connection to areas of the brain that are ancient in terms of development and are extremely closely related to feeling and remembering. Odors are stored almost unfiltered in long-term memory. Scents therefore have a very direct effect on our emotions and immediately trigger reactions.

Hildegard von Bingen already knew about the harmonizing effect of lavender on the psyche.Due to its anxiolytic and mood-enhancing character, lavender has a positive influence on people suffering from depressive moods and restlessness. It calms stressful mental states and strengthens when exhausted. In naturopathy, lavender is administered both internally and externally as a nerve remedy.

Organic certified
